Heather Ponath


Welcome back Bulldogs to the 2023 - 2024 school year.  This year is going to be full of changes! Looking forward to working with your child.

Steps for Successful Communication

Between Home and School


Here are some quick tips on what and how you can support your child:


1.     Stay connected with Google Classroom

Each class that I teach  will have their own Google Classroom where daily events, assignments and instructions will be listed.  You need to log in with your child's username (johnasmith@rvschools.ab.ca) and password (student ID number) or have your child navigate to their "classroom" for you.  They should be able to show you how to do this within the first few days.

2.     Check the Meadowbrook website: (If you are reading this...you are already here!!)


This is a good spot to find out what is going on at Meadowbrook as far as report cards home, dates of important events, holidays, etc.

3.     Check Powerschool on a regular


This site can also be found at the TOP of the Meadowbrook website page.

You will need a user name and password.

Doing this will allow you to see up to date marks, due dates and upcoming assignments.  If your child is missing an assignment, it will show up in Powerschool.

4.     Look for your child’s email home.

On a regular basis, students are logging onto Powerschool and checking their own marks.  They are then given time in class to email home and make you aware of their current marks and/or missing assignments.

Doing this will allow you to see marks and also open up dialogue between your child and you, regarding successes and challenges of earned marks.

5.     Establish a routine of students bringing binders home each Friday.

Doing this will allow you to check for organization, look at assignments for completion and it will also allow students to do a weekly review of taught materials that week.


Contact Me

Email is the best way to contact me.  I will do my best to respond to you within 24 hours.

Email:  hponath@rockyview.ab.ca

Phone: (403) 948-5656


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