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Bulldog Bulletin - 2025/02/09

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Black History Month 

To celebrate Black History Month, our school is recognizing the achievements of Black Canadians by sharing inspiring stories of their vision, innovation, and perseverance. Figures like Rosemary Brown, the first Black woman elected to a provincial legislature, and Herb Carnegie, a hockey pioneer, made important contributions to their fields. William Hall, one of the first Black Canadians to receive the Victoria Cross, and Anne Clare Cools, the first Black woman appointed to the Canadian Senate, have made lasting impacts in history. Activists like Desmond Cole continue to raise awareness about racial inequalities and push for social change. These individuals, among many others, have helped shape Canada’s diverse culture and create a more inclusive society, inspiring future generations.  


Kindness Month Continues 

Kindness Month is off to a great start with activities focused on fun, reflection, and spreading kindness toward others. We’re encouraging everyone to recognize, celebrate, and take part in acts of kindness. 

Kindness has a lasting impact, helping create a positive, compassionate environment. Let’s continue spreading kindness, big or small, and remember to "Shout Out" to someone who’s done something kind for you. Don’t forget to wear your pink shirt on Pink Shirt Day, Feb. 26, to support kindness and stand against bullying. 

This week, each homeroom will also nominate two "Kindness Ambassadors," who will be revealed on Pink Shirt Day. Together, we’ll reflect on how to continue making a positive difference in our school and community. 



School Council Next Week 

Join us on Tuesday, February 11th, at 6:30 p.m. for our School Council meeting. Come lend your helping hands and support our Council’s efforts to enhance and strengthen our school community. Your involvement makes a difference—hope to see you there!  



Active Living Day at Genesis Place 

Attention Grade 7 students! On Mar. 25, you’ll be heading to Genesis Place for Active Living Day. Students can participate in court/field games, swimming, or ice skating (helmets and skates required). 

A letter went home with students on Friday, Feb. 7 requesting parents complete the form indicating student preference to swim, skate, or do neither. The courts and field house will be available to all regardless of swimming or skating. Forms MUST be returned by Wednesday, Feb. 12. Watch for permission and payment forms digitally on SchoolCash Online. 



Bulldog Athletics  

Jr. A Basketball 

Congratulations to the Jr. A Boys basketball team on their impressive victory at the Divisional Championship on Wednesday! They’ve brought home the coveted banner as the top team in RVS. This marks the second Divisional banner this year for our boys’ Jr. A teams. Not only did they display great sportsmanship on the court, but they also showed respect and responsibility off the court as guest athletes at the host venue. We’re proud of our Bulldog athletes!! 


Up and Coming Sports 

Jr. B Basketball - This is the last week for students to express interest in joining Jr. B Boys and Girls basketball teams. See Mr. Nail or Mr. Scott. Practices will begin after the February break with tournaments taking place in March (March 7, 14, 21).   

Grade 6 Basketball - Students can get information in their PE classes. The tournament date has been set for March 28. A schedule will be posted in the coming weeks. 


Student Leadership  

Valentine’s Day “Crush for your Crush” Event 

Crush Sales are now closed.  

All paid participants of this event have a few more days to write their note of appreciation for their crush. 

Cans of Crush pop with notes will be delivered Feb. 14 by Leadership students during blocks nearest to the lunch hour. 


School Spirit Days!  

Show off your school pride with these creative spirit days! Mark your calendars and join the fun: 

  • February 13Role-Versa Day  
    Switch it up! Students dress like teachers, and teachers dress like students. 
  • February 28Tacky Tourist Day Break out your fanny packs, Hawaiian shirts, and flip-flops for a day of touristy fun. 
  • March 12Wacky Wednesday Go wild with mismatched clothes, crazy hair, and anything wacky! 



Winter Preparedness 

Students must come prepared with clothing suitable for winter conditions, as we may have outdoor recess on some days next week. Please remember that we go outside for recess when temperatures are above –20°C, including the wind chill factor. It’s also a good idea to have warm clothes (coats, boots, gloves, toques, etc.) for cold or snowy weather. Additionally, students are expected to have indoor shoes for PE, which helps prevent slippery spots in the hallways.  



To see the full calendar of events, visit our website.   

Feb. 11  

  • School Council / Partners of Meadowbrook Meeting, 6:30 p.m.  

Feb. 12 

  • RETURN DEADLINE: Gr. 7 Active Living Day Form 

Feb. 13  

  • Role-Versa Spirit Day 
  • Healthy Hunger: Saucy Bread Company 

Feb. 14 

  • “Crush for Your Crush” Delivery   

Feb. 17-21  

  • No School: Family Day and Teachers Convention  

Feb. 27  

  • Healthy Hunger: Papa Murphy’s Pizza 

Feb. 28 

  • Tacky Tourist Spirit Day 

Mar. 7 

  • Jr. B Basketball Tournament 1 

Mar. 10 

  • No School: Professional Learning Day 

Mar. 12 

  • Wacky Wednesday Spirit Day 

Mar. 14 

  • Jr. B Basketball Tournament 2 

Mar. 21 

  • Jr. B Basketball Tournament 3 

Mar. 22 

  • Gr. 6 Basketball Tournament 

Mar. 25 

  • Gr. 7 Active Living Day at Genesis 



Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.