Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

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Bulldog Bulletin - 2024/04/12

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Hello, Meadowbrook families. 

Last month, we shared a list of experiential learning for our students. We want to highlight two more events that show our commitment to building future-ready students. Preparing students for the future involves linking them with their community and offering experiences that extend beyond school. By connecting students with real-world opportunities, they can begin to envision the exciting possibilities that await them in the future. 

On March 27, grade 6 students met two guest speakers to learn more about evidence and investigation (their current Science unit). A forensic analyst and former RCMP shared their knowledge and experiences with fingerprint and footwear impression analysis, examining physical objects for evidence, and recording, collecting, and preserving evidence. We're grateful to our community partners for offering this invaluable opportunity and sparking curiosity and critical thinking in our students. 

All our Gr. 8 students are participating in SAIT’s Junior Achievement Economics for Success program at the end of April. They will spend the day at SAIT, meeting business professionals and community leaders who will share real-life stories and experiences - learning that’s authentic and memorable. The program aims to equip students in making a smooth transition from middle to high school to post-secondary or employment. Students take a closer look at the advantages of staying in school and what it takes to succeed in today’s workforce. 


Helping Hands Cleanup Campaign 

The 4th annual RVS Helping Hands Cleanup Campaign will run April 22-26, and Meadowbrook is accepting the challenge. Now that the snow has faded away, the hibernating garbage is re-emerging across our school grounds. Helping Hands Cleanup Campaign is an opportunity to given back to our community, show school spirit, and help keep our school looking beautiful while observing Earth Day and embracing its message of environmental stewardship. 

In addition to a good cleanup, the challenge is for each class to find the following:  

• most valuable item 

• weirdest item 

• largest item 

• shows the best spirit through photos 

RVS Operations team will sweeten the deal by awarding treats to the classes that succeed. Happy Earth Day, everyone! 


Rocky View OURSchool Survey 

As part of our school planning process, Meadowbrook students will be participating in an online school perception survey called the OurSCHOOL Student Survey. This survey helps us to better understand our students, their health, and school-related outcomes and can help identify areas for improvement to enhance their overall experiences at school. 

Students who agree to complete the survey are given a random username and password to access and complete the survey online. Students’ names cannot be linked to their responses which allows it to be completely anonymous. Results will show all student scores combined – it is not possible to single out individual students in the results. The OurSCHOOL Survey is accessible from any web‐enabled device, for example, computers and tablets.  

Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If during the survey, your child is uncomfortable answering any question, he/she should leave it blank and move on to the next one. Your child can stop the survey at any time.  

The time required to complete the survey may vary, but it is designed to be completed in approximately 45 minutes. The survey measures include such topics as emotional and social well-being, physical health, and behaviours and attitudes linked to student success. The survey also allows participants to give their thoughts and feedback in open-ended question responses. 

Some of the questions may seem unrelated to school or personal in nature, such as what language is spoken at home. However, since all responses are anonymous, we learn about themes and areas that are important to all students in general and ensures our school planning decisions work equally well for all students.   

If you would like more information, please contact school administrators – Mrs. Neis or Ms. Stapor. 


Book Drive  

Our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to our recent book drive. Thanks to your incredible support, we were able to collect books valued at an impressive $1,545! Your generosity will have a lasting impact on our school community by providing valuable resources for our students to enjoy. Thank you for your kindness and for making our book drive such a success!  

Bulldog Athletics 

Grade 7 & 8 Badminton: 

Our divisional badminton tournament will be hosted at the Sunridge Badminton Centre (5-401 33rd Street N.E., Calgary). For our eventual badminton athletes, grade 7s will play on Thursday, April 18th, and grade 8s on Thursday, April 25th. 

Lunch Time Clubs 

Art Club – Day 1 (Room 2005) 

Green Club – Day 2, 4, 5 (Room 1022) 

Chess Club - Day 2 & 4 (Learning Commons) 

Reading Club – Day 2 (Learning Commons)  

Safe Space Club – Day 2 (Room 1050) 

Board Game Club – Day 3 (Room 2006) 

Homework Club – Day 3 (Room 2010) and Day 6 (Room 2009) 

Extra Band Practice – Day 3 & 4 (Band Room) 

ACP Leadership – Day 5 (Room 1029) 

Leadership Club – Day 6 (Learning Commons) 


Lost and Found Bins 

Our lost and found bins are getting full again, and we hope to return all lost items to their owners. Items that are currently also building up are water bottles and a fair bit of winter clothing. Bins are located in the portable hallway, and students can also ask their teachers about the location of the bins. We will be donating these items on April 25 so be sure to remind students to collect their lost items. 

Staff Parking and Student Safety 

The parking lot of our school is designated for staff, RVS maintenance, and identified RVS Transportation vehicles only. We regret to share that we’ve had a few fender benders and close calls this year. This area is not for pick-up and drop-off of students. Please use the spaces across the street from Meadowbrook School for parking. 

In rare cases, for students with compromised mobility, parents require a Bulldog Visitor Parking Pass for drop-off/pick-up of students. Please contact the office for details.  

This is also a reminder to keep the bus designated spaces, with clear and visible signage, free from drop-offs especially before school as our buses can arrive anywhere between 7:50 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring this space is free from traffic before and after school!  


Apr 18

  • Gr. 7 Badminton Divisional Tournament 

Apr 19 

  • Gr. 7 Active Living Day 

Apr 22 

  • Earth Day 

Apr 23 

  • Gr. 6 Vaccinations 

Apr 25 

  • Gr. 8 Badminton Divisional Tournament

  • Result of board deliberations on Airdrie Spaces 

  • Arby’s - Healthy Hunger 

Apr 29 

  • PL Day – No School 

Apr 30 

  • Gr. 8 Field Trip to SAIT 

May 9 

  • Opa! - Healthy Hunger 

May 13 

  • School Council, 6:30 p.m. 

May 17 

  • PL Day – No School 

May 20 

  • Victoria Day Long Weekend – No School 

May 23 

  • Over The Top – Healthy Hunger 

May 30 

  • State & Main – Healthy Hunger 

June 10 

  • School Council AGM, 6:30 p.m. 

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.