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Bulldog Bulletin – 2024/06/26 

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On behalf of Meadowbrook staff, a sincere thank you to all families for your support throughout this school year. Your active involvement in your child's education, whether through volunteering, attending events, or supporting at home, has made a significant difference in their growth and learning. Your partnership has strengthened our school community. We are proud of what we have accomplished together this year and look forward to continuing our journey in the upcoming year. Thank you for your continued trust and collaboration. 


Bulldog Bonanza 
It’s gonna be a great final day of school June 26 as students and staff will enjoy field and Indigenous games throughout the day as well as a pizza lunch sponsored by School Council. Here are a few of the Indigenous games included in this year’s Bonanza: 

One-Foot-High Kick 
Origin: Inuit 
History: This game was played by all to develop skills to deal with the different types of land conditions the Inuit people had to face during their hunting seasons. Hunters had to be quiet, fast and agile to have successful hunts to provide for their families. 

Origin: First Nations Iroquois 
History: Lacrosse as we understand it today was first developed by the Iroquois people, known in their language as dehonchigwiis. It was typically played by men, though both men and women participated in the celebrations and rituals surrounding it. Lacrosse occupies an important place in Iroquois culture, as it is a gift from the Creator. 

Animal Muk 
Origin: Inuit 
History: This “laughing game” was played during social gatherings, especially during the long dark months when blizzards were common. It also gave an opportunity for the hunters to enhance their animal calling skills and become more successful on hunts. 


Options Sheets 
Options selection sheets for next year were distributed June 21st to grade 6 and 7 students. Parents must sign the forms to acknowledge courses in which fees are attached as these will be added to SchoolCash in the fall once students are enrolled for each term. Please ensure student’s FIRST and LAST names are on the sheets along with parent signatures. 

Thanks to all who have already returned their completed Option Sheet.  


Staff Updates 
June is a time of endings and the promise of new beginnings. We’re sad to see a number of staff members moving on from Meadowbrook yet wish them all the best in their new locations:  

  • Ms. Stapor (Assistant Principal) 
  • Mr. Blanchard (8.1 Homeroom)
  • Mr. Whittleton (8.3 Homeroom) 
  • Ms. Weatherhead (Learning Support Teacher) 
  • Mr. Yeh (6.3 Homeroom) 
  • Ms. Ryan (Learning Support Assistant) 
  • Ms. Viveiros (CDA)   

We welcome to the Bulldog team: 

  • Dr. Justina Law (Assistant Principal) 
  • Ms. Stephania Calore (Learning Support Teacher) 
  • Ms. Natasha Brooks (welcome back to Meadowbrook) 



Report Cards 
Your child’s report card is located in the PowerSchool Public Portal. You will not receive a printed copy from the school, but you or your child may view, download and print your own copy of the digital report card from PowerSchool any time after June 26. Please note, report cards are not visible on the PowerSchool app; use a desktop or laptop browser. 

To access the report card, log into PowerSchool and look for the Report Card link at the bottom left of the page.  

Only parents/guardians who have access to PowerSchool will be able to view the report card. Students also have access to view their report card by signing in with their RVS credentials. If you do not have a public portal account, please contact your school secretary. 


Airdrie Public Library 
Airdrie Public Library is excited to announce they will once again be hosting the Summer Reading Club (SRC) for children aged 5 through 12. Each week, for 6 weeks, kids will track their reading and can take part in all sorts of crafts, activities, and games at the library to help keep them enthused! 

Visit the Airdrie Public Library for more details. 


Housekeeping Items for All Students 
Unreturned library books: 
Students will receive outstanding book notices for materials they have not yet returned. The cost of lost/overdue items will be charged to students’ SchoolCash accounts. This will be especially important for students leaving Meadowbrook! They will be unable to borrow textbooks, novels, etc., until their outstanding items/SchoolCash charges are resolved. 

Lost & Found:  
We urge students to check the lost and found which is in the portables. Items not collected by Wednesday, June 26th will be donated to the Airdrie Community Thrift Store.  

Students are to keep their locks as they will need to reuse them next year. Students who were unable to find their locks from previous years will need new school-issued locks in September and will be charged for their replacement. Hold on to your locks!! 


Community Links Summer Programs 
Check out the summer programs offered by Community Links to youth and parents: 



Office Hours 
Meadowbrook School Office will be closed for the summer beginning at Noon on Friday, June 28. Enjoy a fabulous summer, everyone!  

We’ll be back on August 27th to start up the 2024-2025 school year. 
Office Hours for the 2024-25 school year: 
Monday to Thursday - 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 


School Calendar for 2024-2025 
Link here to the RVS Calendar for next year. 


Extended Summer?  Change of Plans? 
If your family will be extending vacation beyond August into September, please email Meadowbrook to let us know your expected date of return. 
If your plans have changed and your child(ren) will not be attending Meadowbrook in the fall, please email the school as soon as possible. 


School Supply List 2024-25 
Get a jump on next year. The School Supply List is already up on our website.  



June 26 

  • Last Day of School 
  • Homeroom Activities, Bulldog Bonanza & Pizza Lunch 

June 27 & 28 

  • Organizational Day for Teacher 
  • School Office Closes at Noon on Friday, June 28 

August 27 – 30 

  • Organizational and Professional Learning Days for School Staff 

September 3 

  • First Day of classes for the 2024-2025 school year 


Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.